The Song about Spider. Part 1
A note to the dream about spider The Night was in a gray backyard, cocooned with the palisade of tenement houses, with the entrance through the one of those gates dressed in scrabrous walls with plaster putti in tondi, chimeras with breasts chipping off, dragons with holes instead of scales and a subtle scent of urine evaporating in the morning light. There, where the remains of the broken stained glass windows in the setting sun may take an unwary wanderer to an inescapable epiphany, and there, behind the entrance barred like a warehouse at the back of second hand shop, there was the Night. 1am had passed long ago, in the middle of the fumy room a couple of boys with their heads over the heels in love were swaying to the rhythm of the night radio, vodka smuggled under winter overcoats began to circulate in room's blood under the tables, there was a fierce dispute between Depeche Mode and Metallica fans in the corner next to the entrance, her interlocutor, who talked ...