
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Song about unexisted photography

 "Eine kleine" - he said so, patted the head of Jadzia the baby and pressed one hand to the heart, showing the other one a "far away" gesture and we immediately understood, that he had such a small one at home. They bursted into the cottage, because my daddy still owned a horse, a cow and few geese, and it all was about that horse: this Kopyto had complained about dad, that he has these animals, but he wasn't celebrate our harm too long, och noo, not too long. First years after the war, his daughter, she had a degree made pre-war yet, you know, so la-di-da, great dame!, so, she had been killed with her husband in a car crash, people are saying, that an old nag run out from the forest straight in front of their car, and you see, this is how Our Lord God repaid him for this mischief. I was scared, that they will kill my grandfather, because he begged them to not take the horse, this mare probably remembered when I was born, she was so long with us. But they took...

Dream no 3

 Dream about shark My friends were going to show me the shop with swimming shark, we were passing street after street and I was more and more excited with every step, because I've never seen any shark alive and I had no idea, that there is so wonderful shop in our tiny town. I was very disappointed when we finally get there, and very angry on my friends, because they didn't treat me seriously and instead of the shop with alive swimming shark, they took me to the toy store. I thought, that they just feel they are better than me and they don't want to share this amazing place with nobody. And then I've realised what's going on. I dreamt as a small boy, whose parents told him, that they take him to the shop with shark. *** Moi znajomi mieli mi pokazać sklep z pływającym rekinem, mijaliśmy kolejne ulice, a ja byłam coraz bardziej podekscytowana, bo nigdy nie widziałem rekina na żywo i nie miałem pojęcia, że w naszym małym miasteczku jest taki wspaniały sklep. Byłam  bar...

The Song about Spider, Part 2.

 Balthazar was growing up under the great bathtube, sitting on his mother's back together with hundred of his sisters and brothers. He has learned very quickly, that life is not all roses for individuals who are empathetic and sensitive to others. When his brother Butterworth - an artist weaving with his tubby legs one of the most beautiful tapestries (once even exhibited at Modern Tatter ) decided to fraternize with humans and run towards with a welcome cupboard stuck behind his cheliceare (yes, he was extremely sensitive about being eco, the cardboard was recycled from a forgotten toilet paper roll  lying under the sink), on which he wrote in a human language, learnt from newspapers and catalogs left by people during their time of reflection: "Let's be brothers!" - I told you, he was the most talented representative of our family - said to me Balthazar. - So, my brother's run joyfully towards the man ...